Archive for » December, 2009 «

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 | Author: admin
This is it! I’m thinking of dumping windows 7!

Office 07 in karmik kola

Office 07 in karmik kola

Word 07 in UUU 9.10

Word 07 in UUU 9.10



Ok here are the steps

  1. If you have default Ubuntu installation upgrade the WINE.You need at least 1.1.3 (Just install the extra beta layer on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic kola)
  2. Insert the Office CD.
  3. Right click the setup file and select run through WINE
  4. Your progress bar may hang for few minutes in mid way. But it will continue.
  5. Enjoy!!

Some problems you may face.

Ms word and MS excel should work out of the box.
However Excel and Access might need slight tuning. Here is what you need to do

Configuring excel

  1. Go to wine >  configure wine window.
  2. In the libraries tab select riched20 from drop down list and click add button.
  3. Click ok button

Configuring Access

  1. Wine > Browse C:
  2. c:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12 and find ACEDAO.DLL
  3. Delete the file.
  4. Delete following lines from msaccess.exe.manifest
  5. <dependency>
     <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="AceDAO" version="" language="*"


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