Useful softwares

Some Useful software’s in hacking

Although none of the above mention methods need special tools there are some tools that are build to help a hacker. (Or in the legal sense they are called ’security assistant/ Admin assistant tools’) Here are some of my favorites

1.      Dreampack(pl)

This is a tool that can be used to seize passwords from a windows operating system. You have to copy the program to a cd as a bootable disk. (Click here to download) What I like about this tool is its free J

2.      Whoppix

This is my favourite so I decided to start a new article just for this.(Click here)

2 Responses

  1. Hey bUdDy LinkS are NOT woRkinG… PlS makE theM aliVe… : )
    Good LuCk

    admin Reply:

    Sorry machan! I forgot to add them when I first wrote this article. They should be working now. Other wise just google it, Now you have the names ! :-)

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