OK! I agree, Firefox does not publish hacking tools, However a recent add-on found on the firefox does pretty much the same. Officially its a security testing tool. ( What doesnt ). But it can be used for ‘other’ purpose too.
Remember ethereal? (Or wire shark for most of us ). Still its the best network monitoring tool no doubt. How ever when it comes to injecting or replaying a packet its a headache. Despite the warnings from my virus guard I used WPE-Pro to inject packets when ever I wanted. Its the same tool I used to cheat in face book. How nice if we can have both these capabilities togeather?
Well guess what! This new add-on not only monitor and filter packets it can also tamper them. Further more its free! And it can be easily added to fire fox. Unlike WPE_Pro it can tamper both incoming and out going packets!
Name of the add on : tamperdata
URL : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/966
Just install the add on
You will get see a new option in tool menu
Start it by clicking the ’start tamper’ button. Now when ever a request is send to or from the browser a dialog box will appear. It will contain all the data. You can modify them any way you like. You can even replay the same packet!
try it!
Monday, 25. July 2011
so it’s free?